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Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama


After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe.

Avengers Endgame POSTER.jpeg



The movie starts with an extreme close up of a sharp arrow pointing at somewhere. Behind that, From her father's advising voice and the natural ambience sounds including birds, we can tell that this is the countryside and the father is teaching his daughter how to shoot a bow.


Moreover, the fact that there is a scene of aiming an arrow from the beginning of the movie and shallow focus on an arrowhead means that this movie has a clear goal to aim for, which can be inferred that the Infinity Saga and Avengers series will end with this movie. 



The frame moves to the next scene, showing the father and his daughter in a two shot. While the daughter is aiming an arrow, the father is holding rest of arrows. By this, we can know that the father is teaching his daughter how to shoot an arrow, and this also means that father is quite an expert in shooting arrow.


The leading room makes the scene looks much more naturally, and making clear what she's aiming for.



The frame moves to the close up shot of father and his daughter's feet. Which is a scene where the father fix his daughter's posture. From this we can see that her daughter is just starting to learn how to shoot an arrow and needs her father's help.


Furthermore, we can see that father is wearing an electronic anklet, which tells us that her father has committed a crime in the past, is a dangerous person, or is being watched by someone. Therefore we can possibly assume that her father committed a crime of shooting arrows in the past or did something dangerous related to arrows.



After the cut, the frame shows a two shot of the father and daughter. The father teaches his daughter poses, jokes around and laughs with her. From this, we can see that even if a man is a dangerous person, he is a harmonious and affectionate father to his family.


Again, the leading room in front of the daughter and following the rule of thirds makes more natural and comfortable to watch the scene.



Then the scene moves to long shot of him and his daughter, shows the target that she tries to shoot and the place where they are at. We can see that the place is quite peaceful with very few number of people.


The natural ambience sounds gives and enhances the audiences the peaceful and calmed feelings.



The sixth frame shows a woman who appears to be the daughter's mother in a medium shot. She has a light smile and the sound of clinking utensils suggests that she is out on a picnic with her family.


Natural lighting started from the beginning of the film gives and enhances the audiences sense of warmth, secure, comfortable and more.



This scene is a long shot of two brothers playing catch, and their mother is preparing lunch behind. Judging by the diegetic sound where she is talking to the father and daughter who are shooting arrows, it seems clear that her family is on a picnic.



After a cut, this medium shot shows the older kid got the ball from smaller kid by smooth hand held, and shows his mother asking father and daughter whether they want mayonnaise or mustard or both on their hot dogs. This daily family situation allows audiences to imagine or remind their youths or their family.



The final scene continues with the daughter asking her father who puts mayonnaise on hot dogs, with an expression full of doubt.


The natural ambience sounds that can still be heard and the harmonious but funny conversations between family members provide and enhance a deeper sense of comfort and stability in the audience watching this scene.

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